Afia Schwarzenegger Blasts Elikem Kumordzie As He Tried To Support Her — “You crazy Ashawo boy…leave me alone before I pour acid on u”
In this moment, it appears as though it’s Afia against the rest of the world. Since news broke of her cheating ways, she’s been fighting verbally. This time, Afia Schwarzenegger blasted Elikem Kumordzie as he tried to show her some support. Just incase you’re struggling to remember who Elikem is, remember Big Brother Africa 2013 Ghanaian representative? Yeah, the dark lad! Anyway, he had taken to IG to show the TV host and on-air-personality some support despite Afia mocking him during his own troubkes. He wrote:
“@queenafiaschwarzenegger. when my matter came, you said some, kainkainkain, I wanted to laugh at you at first but
No man on this earth no matter what, should do what your husband did, he had no right to put you out like that, he’s getting all the shame and blame now, nkwasiasem paa, looking like he’s trying to cover up things and is looking for a way out, who hasn’t done what before, everyone’s got a skeleton hidden somewhere or something they’ve done in the past.
Leave your wife if you want to. And YES, that was leverage, and she would have shut up and walk if you didint want her anymore , but people rebel and when they do it’s dangerous and outrageous.
Take heart my sister, but we’ve been there, done that, drama comes and goes, and so does foes.
Enjoy your life, if you are not happy in a marriage get the flack out, “Life is about learning from the past, trusting your intuition going forward, taking chances, finding moments of happiness, and realizing everything is simply a lesson that happens for a reason”
Ultimately. BE HAPPY.
#peace #love #happiness”.
Shockingly, mouthy Afia Schwarzenegger must have suspected he was mocking her despite his write-up having points of sincerity. She responded in the comments section blasting Elikem Kumordzie. Afia wrote:
“You crazy Ashawo boy…leave me alone before I pour acid on u…”.
Even Ghanaian actress, Nana Akua Addo hailed Elikem. Surprisingly, our OAP friend saw things differently.
Anyway, earlier on today, classy Nana Akua Addo showed her support for Afia Schwarzenegger. In an IG post, she wrote:
“How did we get to this point. It is so sad that we have lost sight of our dignity and respect for our fellow human beings. Even in the mist of moral atrocities. Since when did we start praising someone for threatening another human being with a chemical attack for cheating. We are slowly loosing ourselves as a society. Even as i stand against cheating in a relatioship, i will never condone a threat with an acidic chemical. I am still surprised why this pathetic lame man has not yet been placed under arrest. It’s only a weak man with low self esteem and worth who will seek satisfaction from humiliating an obviously helpless woman begging for her life serves us no good to constantly portray ourselves as lawless and uncouth to the entire world each time something goes wrong in our household. I hereby call on everyone who has a voice or a following to please condemn this barbaric acts. We as people are better than this. This woman has giving so much positive contribution to our society, even much more than some of our politicians. A great philantropist and a wonderful mother to her adopted daughter. The world sees us and describe us as animals. Its about time we stand up for whats wrong and condemn this type of behavior. Respect our women.
#Black girls rock…#blackexcellance #weareeachotherskeeper”.
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