Na Wah Oh: Kenyan Lady Has Taken To Instagram To Shame Her Nigerian Friend Nonye Olumba For Stealing From Her Despite Introducing Her To Kenyan And Nigerian Dignitaries
Ok, let me laugh first. LOL! Right, what did I just read? Well, a Kenyan lady has taken to Instagram to shame her Nigerian friend Nonye Olumba for stealing from her despite introducing her to Kenyan and Nigerian dignitaries. The furious lady has been identified as @Sheila_Wetangula (Instagram) and she’s not happy with Nonye.
According to @Sheila_Wetangula, her Nigerian friend Nonye Olumba is a walking devil, scam and a fraud. She also claims that her friend whom she brought into her suite at Intercontinental hotel, paid for her food, drinks and even gave her clothes betrayed her.
Read what she wrote below:
“Ladies and gentlemen this Bitch is a walking devil I brought her to my suite at Intercontinental hotel. Paid her food,drinks, gave her my clothes even let her sleep on my one bedroom suite. Took her as a sister. Introduced her to Kenyan dignitaries and Nigerian dignitaries and after giving her five fingers she fucked me with one finger from behind. Her heart has been implanted with that of a wolf. She’s a walking devil. She will steal and want to take what is yours. She’s a scam and a fraud and super manipulative and a pathological liar and seen very smart. Am protecting you from this walking devil my lovelies. Happy Easter love yall. She’s Nigerian lives in lekki her name is Nonye olumba. I almost wanted to do business with her. What she did is what I read in books and hear and watch in movies. She’s evil # liar # manipulator # thief #hideyourman # Nonye # Nonyeolumba”.