Ruth Kadiri is a household name who is known across the world by those who not only love Nollywood, but African movies.
The multi-talented actress is able to bring to your screens different genres of movies including romance, comedy, drama – just about everything!
Ruth Kadiri shared some photos on her Instagram page which got her fans reacting with some noting the striking resemblance between mother and her child, Reign Ezerika. She captioned;
“Goodmorning o’clock.”
Reactions below.
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vees_wayy: “Copy and paste . Happy Sunday to you both”.
deluna_off: “Strong women”.
okeoghene_: “If I no watch your movies waitin I gain… chaiii your movies are educating and amazing, God bless you.”
ezinnejohnbosco: “Mama you are not doing tailoring again ? Children will soon need graduation clothes ooooo. Beautiful baby
brown_berry001: “So fine momma nd kid ”.
godlians_ibile: “Baby oku owerri hpy sunday”.
cozyfresh01: “My Beautiful Ruth”.