A lot of people think money can buy happiness. This might not be entirely true as it greatly depends on the source through which you made the money in the first instance.
If you make cash through illegally means, you will struggle to have peace of mind as you will constantly be looking over your shoulder to know if the police or business associates you may have duped are coming after you.
Also, being in a relationship with an absolutely gorgeous lady/guy does not necessarily bring happiness your way as your partner can be ugly inside of her. She might have a horrible character and lack respect.
In a new Instagram post, Nadia Buari notes the importance of happiness and how it should start with you and not the things around you.
The popular actress used a popular quote to drive her point. She wrote;
“Stop hoping they’d bring u flowers and plant your own. Happiness starts with u, not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money and certainly not with your circumstances, but WITH YOU! YOU and only YOU, hold the key to your happiness.”
The thespian has been a strong advocate for self love and growing in confidence. Her posts are usually well received by millions of fans across the world who look up to the movie star for inspiration.
Anyway, peep the post below.