A lot of ladies have suffered in the hands of men who have chosen to use their hearts as foot mat to wipe all manners of dirt on so ruthlessly.
When it comes to chasing girls, some guys think with only their ‘third leg’ and do not respect marriage or their partners at all.
Ruth Kadiri shared a Twitter post on her Instagram page which has gotten a lot of reactions. The reads:
“Thank God my Mrs did not have this kind of mindset. I was broke, had nothing and she still believed in me and she lifted me. And this is why I tell my sidechicks” no matter how e sweet reach, I can never leave my wife”.
She captioned:
“This one will say it is in the nature of a man to cheat! so the reward for the wife now is staying with her.(throphy)
chai. I truly do not blame girls who refuse to suffer with men o. This man right here, down right makes men look bad.”
See for yourself below.
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There were reactions.
florishohabuike: “The audacity to cheat on your wife after all she did men will never I repeat will never change”.
chiomanatasha: “They stil cheat with everything they have got and leave the wife to endure pain cause she can never get same treatment with side chick, of course they get better treatment. But she is the good woman that ensures so therefore they give more problem . Men treat you exactly how you treat yourself.”
saptieukallon: “So with all what your wife went through with u,U will still go ahead and cheat on her, mmmmmmmmmmm”.
ngofaze: “I can’t NEVER suffer with any man…me i am a table”.
cutenazy09: “I keep saying it that the AUDACITY OF MEN needs to be studied in the University. Like WTH”.
548_joy: “Na Dem… ‘can’t leave my wife for you’, but stop cheating na wahala”.
janeekokodje: “At the end he say he dey catch cruise . wtf catch cruise with someone’s emotions seriously?????”
nonas_cakes: “What I read really pained me… Imagine the reward for his wife is side chicks. God have mercy on him”.
shop_ahoton: If women can’t cope then let them too do the same man no go vess”
deeyhour: “Smh. Why you tell your side chicks. It is The effrontery, total disrespect to come out and spew this on social media, except of course this has to be a big joke. Smh”
sparkles_empires: “One thing I come to understand about men, is that the ones that want to cheat will cheat no matter what you do, cheating don’t get to me any more the thing that does now is proverty. I never want to have anything to do with it.”