You need to pay attention when people engage you in a conversation or you might miss certain signals that the person is trying to pass your way.
They could be using body language to pass on a message and if you are the type that fails to register specific information for whatever reason, you will eventually miss the point.
In a recent Twitter post, Yvonne Nelson stated clearly while using a popular quote that sometimes, people choose to show how they feel rather than say it.
Read her tweet below.
“People won’t always tell you how they feel, but they’ll show you. Pay attention.”
There were reactions which you can read below.
@henryturb: “Then why ain’t you paying attention to my feelings towards you🥺”.
@Simply_nick2: “Yeah, action definitely speaks louder than voice Hundred points symbol.”
@1Zacch: “You are right!! I like people who understand my mood language OK handOK hand”.
@OdoAkua: “I paid attention and now I get the whole concept Pleading face”.
@PrinceCasmed: “Okkk. That was why that lady was shouldering me yesterday. Face with tongueFace with tongueFace with tongue”.