Unbelievable! Drunk Driver Involved In Accident Adjuts Seat And Sleeps Off
This may appear strange, but its true. The Rapid Response Squad shared photos of the accidents caused by driving under the influence. This includes that of a drunk driver who was involved in an accident but still managed to adjust his seat and slept off.

According to the Rapid Response Squad, the incident happened few weeks ago. The man in company of a friend, were driving through Awolowo in Front of Alausa Secretariat, very early on Saturday from Fela Shrine. It’s understood their vehicle left its lane and crossed the median to the other lane only to be stopped by kerb.
The friend in the passenger’s seat tried to escape the scene but he was chasex and arrested by RRS officers stationed close to the accident point.
Meanwhile, the Men of the RRS now patrol across the state with their newly donated power bikes.
See photos below
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