A lot of children within Nigeria and beyond, face bullying everyday at school. It is heartbreaking to know that your child is being physically and verbally attacked by other aggressive and sometimes older kids.
Sadly, bullying will always exist to some extent and it can cause deep emotional scars forever. It is a situation that must be taken seriously as it can involve violent threats as well.
When a child is being bullied, coming to school becomes a nightmare. The victim who is usually emotionally or physically weaker, gets picked on sometimes by those who seek popularity or control over another person’s life.
The one thing that is clear is bullies are usually victims themselves.
In a recent post on Twitter, Uche Jombo tweeted on the dreaded bullying amongst kids.
According to the popular Nollywood actress, the child should be taught self-defense to fight bullying
Peep how it went down between the actress and a certain @RealAksu .
Uche Jombo: “The best answer to a school bully is teaching your child self defense.”
@RealAksu: “Apparently,I think teaching your child how to avoid a bully in school is better than teaching him/her self defense cause by sf defense you are causing more problems if they actually learn not to respond to them no matter the words use on them,I think it will go a long way.”
Uche jombo: “How do you teach a child how to avoid a bully and not want him to know how to defend himself?”
See for yourself below.
How would you handle a situation if you have a child being bullied at school?